I am so excited about this new phase of Pretty My Page!  I absolutely love designing cut files and I have scribbles everywhere of ideas in the early stages.  What I love even more though is seeing what other people do with my designs.  When I’m designing I tend to see them in my head being used in a certain way and then one of my lovely customers will tag me to show me their layout and it will look totally different and totally awesome!

I really want to concentrate on the cut files and as well as providing the cutting service for people who don’t have a machine, I am in the process of uploading all the digital files ready to make downloadable versions available too – huzzah!  (They won’t always be available in both versions because of how they are made and sometimes I purchase the commercial rights to designs that can only be used in a certain way, but most of the designs will be available in both formats.)

So things are really busy here despite me being stuck to the sofa with my leg in the air (and I can confirm that wearing a cast on your leg in this heat is rather hot and sticky), so it’s time to start looking for a design team!  I’m looking for a number of talented crafters to use a selection of cut files in various ways so you MUST have a digital die-cutter to apply and MUST know how to use either Silhouette Cameo files or SVG files on your machine.  The successful designers will be able to choose files from the store to use for their projects as well as using designs that I select, to produce several samples per month (depending on the style of project etc) along with their associated descriptions and promotion.  Some designs in the month will need to be used in the way they are supplied in the pre-cut option and others can be used in whatever way the designer would like.  In addition, there will be a starter package of physical products from the store as well as a generous discount for the duration of the DT term (which will initially be 6 months.)

If you think you’d like to be part of this growing UK company and you’ve got a talent for using cut-files in your projects then please do send an application to  Please include at least 3 projects with good photography that showcase your beautiful work with cut files and include a brief description.  The projects you choose should be examples of your current style and in the formats that you regularly use your cut files.  Please also tell me where you get your inspiration and why you think you’d be a good fit for the team.  I’ve seen some really amazing crafters on social media and like so many people, that’s where I go for inspiration so the successful applicants will need to have an active crafty social media presence.  If you’ve got a Youtube account for your creativity then that’s even better.  Please do provide links of your crafty on-line presence so I can see more of your gorgeous projects.

The closing date for applications is 10pm on Sunday 5th August so you have 4 full weeks to apply.  September is our birthday month so I really hope to get the new team publicly announced at the beginning of September.  How exciting!!??

So… waddyafink?  Are you ready to apply?  I’m really looking forward to hearing from you!

With love and colour,

Lisa-Jane x




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